A Letter To My 16 Year-Old Self

Dear Martha,

It doesn't matter you don't know what you want to do with your life. The amazing thing is, you're versatile, strong and capable of so many skills and traits that you don't give yourself enough credit for. Please relax. Not many people have one career for their whole lives, and frankly girl - you would be wasted in your talents if you didn't change your job every now and again to embrace all of them. 

Do not worry about trying to please everyone and make them like you. Honestly some people are just not worth your time or energy (and don't deserve it either!). You will meet people that like you for being the unique Martha you are, and fully embrace every quirk you have. If anything, you're the best person when you are yourself completely and don't change depending on who you are with. It means you have met the people you are friends for life with - hold on tight to those people. Your vibe attacks your tribe, and your tribe will be made of amazing people that bring the best out of you. 

Do not worry and wish for things that will come in their own time. Let go of trying to have everything happen now. IT WILL COME. The funny thing is, as soon as you have it, it won't be how you expected it. So enjoy what you have in the moment it arrives and then you won't have any expectation of how you thought it would be, if you never knew you wanted it to start with. Patience is a blessing. 

New adventures make you. That doesn't mean our favourite routines keep us boring. Do both, love both. You are so amazing when you step outside the bounds of you comfortability and try the new. Give yourself more credit, I agree, we thrive off routines. So don't stop them, you can have routine without being rigid. 


You may go back, but that doesn't mean you have gone backwards. In fact, you are travelling at the side or in a diagonal. Life isn't about travelling in straight lines, and you definitely don't have a journey like everyone else. You will find yourself experiencing hard time again. But you learn and you become a stronger person because of it. You ALWAYS see the good from the bad. Always. There is good. Just look.


What an incredible individual you are. I can't believe what you have managed to achieve. The lion goes from strength to strength and you, Martha are the fierce lioness. You are building a community where you can be supported and support people who share and make you become the best version of you.

Everything is coming up Milhouse - hoping that quote is still funny!


Until next post,


Simply Martha x


(this post was inspired by my dad, who used to read me this type of article from 'The Big Issue' every other weekend). 

Martha Norris