I hate starting new beginnings
I've always been someone that struggles with starting something new. This has either been essay writing at school, a new routine within my day to day living or building new friendships.
Not because I'm lazy or unsociable (well, thats debatable!) but I always hate not knowing something or not having a plan or structure that works already in place. That's why starting a blog was something I have wanted to do for a while now, but didn't want to start, because well... What if I can't portray how I feel across to other people that they can understand? Or what if I'm unsuccessful? Or what if I don't have the best grammar or spelling? WHAT IF, WHAT IF, WHAT IF??? 'What 'ifs' have always been a reason for me to doubt myself. Being a natural worrier has it's low points (as well as some good points too!)
New beginnings, for me, is all about uncertainty and the ever-changing aspect that I have no control over. And that is one of my biggest fears as a person. Something that I am working on and getting better at as I grow more. But if I never start anything new or put myself out there, then nothing will change (although I am someone, again, doesn't like change. URGH I don't make this easy for myself, do I?). Having said this I know that some changes can be brilliant, knowing this from some person changes I have made myself (some stories to come soon) and I promise, not the be a negative Nelly about every change or new start about everything!
I guess, because this blog is new, this means I have to introduce myself (how cringe, I'm sorry!) either to the few that are reading this that know me (hey!) or to the stranger that has no idea how they ended up on here (late night browsing, started with watching a cat video on youtube to a video on how to poach an egg, I've been there too don't worry) I'll start with 11 *interesting* facts about me...
*pretty normal and semi- average lets be reals here*
I'm one of those people that wear a coat all year round, whether it's -10 degrees or 20 degrees, I'm never without one. random i know..
I'm going to University to study Food with Nutrition in September 2017- AND CAN'T WAIT!!!
I've been into fitness for a year now, however have always been an active child in school and outside doing running, dancing and netball. And yes, I was one of 'those' kids that loved sports day and being picked for the schools sports team #sportynerd
I have the WORST S.P.A.G. (spelling, punctuation and grammar) so if there are mistakes (which there will be) just laugh it off like I do, because honestly, I'm just not going to get any better. Disclaimer- I'm sorry to all the english teachers I've had over my school life, your time was well and truly wasted. GUILTY!
I <3 COFFEE! yes, I'm super basic girl loving coffee shops and having a pretty coffee artwork but I just lavve it.
I'm part of the #grublife squad with Sarah's Day (google her), I'm so #grublife I sometimes disgust myself (sometimes I wear the same sweaty gym clothes all week long, but thats what body spray is for, right?)
Number 7 is my favourite number (lol, that was a copout fact, soz)
Bananas are my favourite fruit, because they are so versatile and are AMAZING *whispers* i love you. But dried apricots are a very close second!
I have been into eating healthy and nutrition this past year, and I absolute love this lifestyle. Although it hasn't been a smooth sailing journey for me...
I suffered with anxiety from 2012 till the present day, I had it so bad I didn't attend school for almost 2 years, but it was my greatest achievement when I attended my first lesson back in year 10 having been to scared and anxious to go for 18 months. *pats myself on back*
To end on a lighter note, I'm what you'd describe as a 'FIT FOODIE' I absolutely loooovvveeeee fooooood. Like, legit love it! But I'm also a healthy and fit person along side it, so I guess i have a pretty good balance between eating healthy and treat yo self mentality! (although I'm still learning to keep that balance maintainable).
well that concludes my first (EEEK) post from my world.
I promise to be more exciting next time, but as I said I hate the beginning of something new. Often because I don't feel I ever start it in the best way, but this is the best I can do, so I guess I'll just leave it there for now.
Until next time...
Simply Martha x
(as I'm writing this in my gym gear I've worn all week! (eww!)
Hello 2017 Martha x