Why doing nothing encourages the mind to stray to the dark side….
Okay, so whilst I won’t get extreme biological on this one, what I will say is this. The brain is so powerful, it doesn’t even understand its own strength. We sleep, we think we aren’t doing much. In fact, that’s actually when we are most active; psychologically. Which for anyone with a mental health problem, things can get scary. So there is a set of networking neurons called Default Mode Network (DMN); essentially this team work when you aren’t working. So when we are relaxing, mindlessly wondering about pretty much nothing, these guys are slaving away trying to create images, emotions that fill your brain.
The sign of a healthy mind;
When we don’t think about anything at all, is your brain a yellow or a black? I.e. yellow meaning; do you think about positive or somewhat happy thoughts and feelings. Your head doesn’t feel competitive or on edge. It is just simply being there without much disturbance. Or is it black; meaning when you aren’t thinking, does your head become full of darker images, ones that feel uncomfortable, ones that just bring you down without even trying.
I find that scary. I just want a rest from my head sometimes and know you’re telling me that I can’t even rest without working? That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. It’s an opportunity. So, with the DMN, it rests when we have things going on. Sports, travel, school projects, social stimulus etc. Great, the answer is to simple always being doing something? N O! that encourages burnt out. But, DMN is great and remembering and fixating on good times or memories. See the connection yet?
So what if you’re like me? I love routine, rhythm, structure with little surprises. So I used to tell myself. I’ve changed a lot. I changed because actually, sometimes a routine brought me down. Because the mental stimulation wasn’t always there. Because there was nothing new for me to get excited about, even though I liked structure; structure has no wiggle room. I really encourage you, every once in a while; book a trip, book a class, learn something new, read a good book, run for the extra mile, speak to a stranger, try a new equipment machine at the gym, even use a different cubical to the normal one!!!
I practise what I preach, if I can. I did something exciting. I booked a BIG solo trip. I’m going to New Zealand and Bali for two months** depending on my money!
Please don’t think that I do not have feeling of anxiety, stress, overwhelmed, scared. because I am. But I’m also doing this to better myself. Mentally. It’s really important I do push myself, even if it’s not always the easiest or most comfortable thing to do. I think sometimes the only person that really does stop us isn’t ourselves; its our salience, this works together with the DMN. It’s basically the ‘fear and anxiety’ we need to survive. And sometimes I just think mine or anyone suffers with mental health problems listen to theirs to frequently. As I said many times fore, YOU ARE NOT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS. Anxiety is not you. Everyone, and I can pretty much say 95% of people, want to do fun, exciting things with their lives. Even if its just once every couple of months. But no one wants to live life with extreme monotonous. It really doesn’t help you. Fill that big beautiful brain with as much stimulus as you can. As child, we are constantly being given things to play, explore and understand about. And I think later on, something happens where parents or maybe ourselves don’t want to explore anymore. We get comfortable. Comfortable is soft, warm and feels good. But good isn’t good enough if you want to keep that brain active and healthy. Mental health isn’t about avoiding problems its about exercising the brain and stretches it all the time. Experiences, conversation, information processing is all what you need sometimes.
Go out there and start to feel a little uncomfortable. It gets comfy pretty quickly.
Simply Martha x