a new voice of creativity

Martha’s mind got some extra special love these last two weeks. The first day I moved in, maybe not even a full hour since mom and Ian left me with a half unopened room my housemate, Stan took me down the road for coffee. I saw to the side on the window ledge and bright orange leaflet. ‘podcasting course’ read boldly. On the subject of ‘why not’ whilst I’m in Manchester, I decided just that.

The course gave me lots of different elements that I think moving to a new city really supported the transition. Routine (big fan of), meeting new people, structure with outside projects to do at home, new skills and lastly making a final product!

Thinking about what podcast to make was by far the hardest decision. It soon became clear, you, this, Martha’s Mind really has been my child I have grown and know so well. Where I feel completely myself, the creative part of me flourishes and words just form (not always with ease) nothing but continued enjoyment. Writing this is really that constant sparkles of joy. It occurred that it is 6 years! What? Although Martha’s mind has taken many shapes over the years, I have always come back to one subject. Mental health. I have always found being honest online the easiest way for me to feel okay. Speaking without facing others. Now I feel more confident and have been able to open up about my issues with friends. This was a huge sign, I had friends to confide in. Yes, I think some of us get lucky and we don’t appreciate it, but when I actively knew that I had people in life I could speak too, that’s when my blog no longer felt relevant. It came to realised that this blog was more than just a friend I didn’t have. It was still a very important friendship I needed to maintain. Creativity, I believe, wasn’t massively celebrated within my growing up. I found school never that supportive or didn’t teach us that writing, music, painting even if we aren’t ‘traditionally’ good at it, just wasn’t praised. Maybe because, as I said, I don’t think I was among the greats of writing. I admit, I am not. However, that’s not to say what I do with my writing isn’t productive or creative and doesn’t have a purpose - it does all of this! The podcasting course reminded me that being a creative - in any aspect- whether you consider yourself special, unique or just plain average. Creatively has a place in life. It doesn’t need to generate money, vales or financial gain. But it was a clarity to be surrounded by creative for the sake of, they love it! That was so heavenly to be around.

Martha’s mind deserves a voice. I like the blog, because your voice as you read is exactly what I like about writing - you become my thoughts (woooow inception here). But hopefully the voice you have when you read makes it easier to relate and feel heard. Rather than maybe my voice. Having said this. when I talk, when i feel the vibration of my voice connecting with my thoughts - my mind feels more open and honest. I feel it’s a real sense of realness - when things are said out loud it just is, real, right?

Where does Martha’s mind go? Keep watching…

to listen to a small snippet of Martha’s mind - follow the link (time stamp 13 mins) .

listen HERE

Read my interview - HERE

Martha Norris