mental health doesn't apply to me; but why it does.

resonating towards the topic around mental health when it feels like you don’t really need the support is a hard one, I personally don’t have that level of empathy with. Mental health problems are not as big as we may place merit on, I mean this in a kind way. The topic doesn’t have to be scary or taboo to feel you can resonate with conversation either about someone else or your own situation. Mental health illnesses are the big guys that people we need more support and possibly long term treatment to manage. Yet that isn’t to say someone with mental health problems shouldn’t be taken just as seriously. I think it’s good to reassess and re-address mental health; what actually is it when we talk about it.

Mental health is everything that has mental weight in our lives; relationships, work dynamics, political changes, friendships, social environments even media. More so, media has become more of a mental health attribute rather than the physical presence of it. It’s scary to think it was once a small part is now considering more important and influential than our parents! Mental health still resembles the idea that someone must be crazy or a psycho to have those kind of issues in life. When in actual fact; it could be someone as cool as a footballer, a doctor, the school teacher… the ones we least expect. I guess that’s why mental health has never scared me, because I know it affects just about everyone. So I have found it resorting with me the whole scope of area; illnesses, therapy, support systems, coping strategies. It holds no fear around them; of course as long as I have the right people around that I feel comfortable with.

Mental health is personal one. The same for any health issues; diet, fitness, weight, medical, family history. We don’t just spill out these personal parts of us to anyone; I don’t expect the same for mental health either. I am advocating honest conversations around those we feel safe and those that feel understand all of ourselves. Not just wanting to fix us, not those that have no history to base it off. So I am here for real chats, be wise about who you have those real chats with as well. That is especially important. We can be left feeling too exposed and risk our emotions being used and betrayal. Not that should scare you, but’s something we do run the risk of, because our emotions are valuable. We respect and honour them, to share is probably the most expensive exchange of friendship or relationship we can offer to another human. Mental health is merely another thing to add to the list of things we can offer to support and be supported by.

This post was to recover fear. The fear around mental health always being a bad thing. A scary one, exposed and vulnerable. It means you’re sick and ill. BUT IT DOESN’T. Mental health is merely just asking someone how they are feeling? I was asked that the other day by a internet stranger. It felt sincere, genuine. Rather than ‘how you doing?’ the question to pose of feeling within the question meant it soul focused on the thoughts and emotions of the present. I could assess this question with more honest ideas because the leading questions did just that… lead me towards my mental state. Questions around mental health maybe need to be more direct in approach, because we can find the easy escape out of it a lot of the time. Don’t be scared to ask, nor be swayed to avoid the question to be answered.

Mental health is normal.

Martha Norris